Celebrating 10 Years of UKRN

UKRN 10 Year Anniversary

UKRN’s first decade was a transformative period for the UKRN, its members and the country as a whole. During this period, the UKRN worked hard to drive collaboration between its member regulators and with a host of external stakeholders.

Below, we would like to take the opportunity to highlight some of the UKRN’s successes, reflect on some of the changes that have occurred, and those which are yet to come, and hear the thoughts of a number of experts who work closely with the UKRN. 

U K R N : T h e n a n d N o w H e a r F r o m o u r E x p e r t s t h e F u t u r e U K R N : L o o k i n g t o N e t w o r k s C o l l a b o r a t i o n a n d U K R N A n E v e r C h a n g i n g N a t i o n

Hear from our experts:


Suzanne Rab

The Future of Economic Regulation 10 years on

Mick McAteer, male

Mick McAteer

A decade of consumer vulnerability

Chris Carr

The Smarter Regulation programme


Cloda Jenkins

The changing UK economic landscape 2013-2023