Celebrating 10 Years of UKRN
UKRN 10 Year Anniversary
UKRN’s first decade was a transformative period for the UKRN, its members and the country as a whole. During this period, the UKRN worked hard to drive collaboration between its member regulators and with a host of external stakeholders.
Below, we would like to take the opportunity to highlight some of the UKRN’s successes, reflect on some of the changes that have occurred, and those which are yet to come, and hear the thoughts of a number of experts who work closely with the UKRN.
An Ever-changing Nation
This section will outline some changes that have occurred in the UK over the last ten years
- Over the last 10 years (2014-2024), the UK has had four Prime Ministers, five Foreign and Commonwealth Secretaries and six Chancellors of the Exchequer.
- The political landscape has changed considerably, with the UK voting to leave the European Union in 2016, formally withdrawing on January 31st, 2020.
- The passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022 meant that the UK had a new Head of State for the first time since 1952.
- The UK economy has grown by approximately 11.87% since 2014
- GDP per capita has declined by approximately 3.37% since 2014
- The UK’s unemployment rate in 2014 stood at 6.11%. By the end of 2023 this had declined to 3.8%
- In 2014 the UK’s population was estimated to be 64,773,504. In 2024 our estimated population has grown to approximately 67,961,43.
- The number of cars on the road in 2014 was approximately 30,500,000. By the start of 2023 this had grown to 33,187,308.
- Approximately 17.6% of the UK’s population lived in social housing in 2014. By 2023 this had decreased to approximately 16%
UKRN: Then and Now
- In 2014, the UKRN was started with 9 member regulators. As of 2024, 18 organisations are part of the UKRN, with more looking to join in the near future.
- The almost doubling of our membership demonstrates the value that the UKRN brings to regulators, encouraging collaboration, the sharing of ideas and best practice and combatting the formation of silos.
- Our growth in membership from across the regulatory space also ensures the UK has access to perspectives from a variety of different sectors, improving our knowledge base.
- Beginning with just a handful of networks in 2014, the UKRN now has 16 professional networks, 3 governance networks and 3 advisory panels, in addition to leading a number of internal working groups and being closely involved in a number of external working groups (correct as of 2024).
- Our networks are the core of the UKRN’s work and are essential to delivering on our collaborative objectives.
- In 2014, hybrid and virtual meetings were still something of a novelty, with much communication and collaboration taking place at in person meetings.
- Due to the considerable dislocation caused by the COVID 19 pandemic this established orthodoxy has been transformed and today the UKRN holds the vast majority of its meetings and engagement via virtual means.
- This change has allowed us to communicate seamlessly with a broad range of organisations and stakeholders, whilst also allowing many of our members, who are located in different areas of the UK, to attend networks with ease.
- Despite these shifts we continue to value face-to-face interactions and the UKRN has organised several in person meetings with its network where there is demand.
- Despite the various changes and challenges of the last ten years, the UKRN has continued to drive forward its core objective of collaboration, whether that be through our networks, working groups, or via external forums.
- In 2017, the UKRN released its first quarterly newsletter. Up till December 2023, we have published a total of 17 newsletters.
Collaboration and UKRN Networks
- A Joint letter on cost of living facilitated by UKRN was published in 2023: Cost of Living Working Group – Joint Letter | UKRN: the UK Regulators Network
- Holding the first and second UKRN regulators vulnerability academies (2022-23 and 2024). The UKRN, in collaboration with the Money Advice Trust (MAT), hold a series of seminars which seek to address a wide range of practical and common challenges that are frequently experienced by those working within consumer regulation and features a host of contributions from leading practitioners and organisations in the consumer vulnerability space.
- In February 2016 the UKRN Vulnerability Network, in collaboration with the CAA, Ofgem, Ofcom, Ofwat and the ORR, published an accessibility leaflet aimed at providing individuals who required specific support with a guide to what free services were available. An updated leaflet, in addition to an accompanying cost of living leaflet was released in the Spring of 2024.
- In October 2017, the UKRN collaborated with Ofgem and Ofwat on the publication of a report ‘Making better use of data: Identifying customers in vulnerable situations’, with a follow up report released in 2018.
- This collaboration identified that significant progress had been made towards cross sector data sharing and set out expectations for water and energy companies to continue to collaborate to identify vulnerable customers and explore cross sector non-financial vulnerability data sharing.
- In September 2015, the UKRN released its conclusions on its cross-sector infrastructure project
- Beginning in June 2014, the UKRN held a forum with industry stakeholders on issues affecting cross sector infrastructure investment.
- Following additional evidence gathering the UKRN issued a consultation in June 2015
- Our conclusion set out a number of good practice principles to guide network operator’s in how they work with clients.
- In 2023 the UKRN’s Young Professionals Network and Climate Change Network collaborated in the organisation of the ‘Mission Zero’ event
- The event provided an important networking opportunity for young professionals across the UKRN’s membership, as well as exploring elements of the ongoing transition to net zero.
- In 2022 as part of our Join Parliamentary Event we published Climate Change Booklet: Case studies highlighting some of the work that UKRN members are delivering on Climate Change, Consumer Protection and the Cost of Living crisis | UKRN: the UK Regulators Network.
- In 2021, the UKRN in collaboration with Ofgem, Ofwat, CAA, Utility Regulator and the ORR came together to create the Cost of Capital Task Force. Its objective was to create guidance on the methodology for setting the cost of capital brings together and consolidates existing methodologies used for setting the allowed return in regulated sectors.
- In March 2023, after intensive work by the task force, the CoC methodology was formally published.
- In 2021 the UKRN piloted its Next Generation Non-Executive Directors scheme
- The scheme is designed as a rolling programme to offer opportunities for staff from UKRN members to shadow non-executive directors on our members boards and committees.
- The scheme was a great success and the UKRN has since gone on to run additional schemes in the following years.
- In 2023, URKN created a jobs board, to promote the excellent careers opportunities available from across our members and to assist with recruitment and retention. Careers pages are also in development to further promote the importance and benefits of a career in regulation.
UKRN: Looking to the Future
The UKRN’s first ten years have been an immensely productive period and we are proud of our many accomplishments over this time period. We will continue with our approach of ensuring our networks are the driving force towards great collaboration and co-operation.
- Looking to the future, we must continue to adapt to changes in the regulatory landscape and to society as a whole. We are excited at the prospect of adapting the way the UKRN functions to better support our members, drive collaboration and help ensure consistent and coherent regulation across sectors.
- The UKRN is exploring the possibility of undertaking a limited number of research projects on behalf of our members.
- We have recently introduced a new tiered membership. This will provide our members with a degree of flexibility, allowing them to decide the extent to which they engage with the UKRN and its work.
Hear From our Experts
The UKRN works closely a host of professionals and experts across the regulatory landscape. To mark the ten-year anniversary of the UKRN we asked four such individuals to provide their reflections on the last ten years in the areas relating to consumer vulnerability, smarter regulation, the changing UK economy and the future of economic regulation. You can access the full statements from these experts towards the bottom of the page.
Hear from our experts:

Suzanne Rab
The Future of Economic Regulation 10 years on

Mick McAteer
A decade of consumer vulnerability

Chris Carr
The Smarter Regulation programme

Cloda Jenkins
The changing UK economic landscape 2013-2023