Get to know the UKRN Team – Kev Smith


Have you ever wondered who the UKRN team are? Well, it’s probably about time we introduced ourselves! Over the coming months, we will be sharing a little insight into each of the UKRN team members (don’t worry, there is only 8 of us!). We’ve asked each of the team to answer a few questions about themselves, UKRN and regulation of course!

First up – Kev Smith! Take it away…

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

I am 50 something years old, having worked primarily in the financial services industry, since leaving school in 1985. I have been working in regulation since 2007. I live in Kent, I am married and have two children, age 14 and 16. I also have a 3 year old dog called Beau! Away from work ‘Kev’s cabs’ is very busy taking my children between their football and theatrical interests! When time allows, I also coach a very successful girls football team.

  1. What attracted you to UKRN?

I had the pleasure of first joining UKRN as a secondee in January 2019 from the FCA, and that 6 months placement ended up extending to two and a half years! This was primarily down to a December election and the ongoing pandemic. I had joined to lead a collaborative piece  of work, around developing performance scorecards (at the request of the then BEIS), with a number of UKRN members coming together, to deliver the output with UKRN leading. I saw this as a great opportunity to broaden my understanding and delivery of cross cutting initiatives and it didn’t disappoint!  I came back to UKRN in October 2022, when the opportunity presented itself to once again be part of this small, dynamic team.

  1. What achievement has given you the most pride in your career? And also in your time at UKRN?

When I was with the FCA, I had the pleasure and privilege of representing my regulator at a New York, global conference on data standards. To be trusted with such an important event and to be able to represent the UK, meant the world to me!

At UKRN, to have delivered the Performance Scorecards brief and to have played a role in many key pieces of work during the pandemic. Since coming back to UKRN, delivering our first Conference in 4 years, during 2023 has given me great satisfaction.

  1. What 3 words best encapsulate regulation for you?

Trust, fairness, sustainability

  1. What 3 words best describe you away from the day job?

Family-centric, passionate, selfless

  1. What is your favourite film and why that choice?

Easy one for me – The Tom Cruise film, Jerry Maguire. His values were right in a tough corporate world, he stuck to what he believed in and in the end, he got it right in every way.

  1. What 3 countries/places have you enjoyed visiting the most and why?

This is always difficult when you get to my age! The standouts for me are Hawaii, because it is totally beautiful and I always wanted to go there, after seeing it on a TV show from the 70’s (Hawaii- Five- O). Moscow, I always wanted to see Red Square and my goodness it was cold when we went! Finally, it would be Alaska, I had the pleasure of seeing whales and bald eagles in their natural habitat and seeing the Hubbard Glacier in its full splendour – totally breathtaking!   

  1. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be yourself, don’t be frightened, your authenticity will always shine through.

  1. When your career is nearing completion or you get to retire 😊 – what 3 words would you like your career to be remembered by?

Authentic, considerate, achiever

We really hope you enjoyed getting to know Kev more. Look out for our next featured team member shortly!