Get to know the UKRN Team – Charley Grady-Pearce

Have you ever wondered who the UKRN team are? Well, it’s probably about time we introduced ourselves! Over the coming months, we will be sharing a little insight into each of the UKRN team members (don’t worry, there is only 8 of us!). We’ve asked each of the team to answer a few questions about themselves, UKRN and regulation of course!

Currently, we’ve had Kev and Attricia’s articles but our next team member in the spotlight is – Charley Grady-Pearce!

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

Isn’t this always the hardest question!? I’m originally from Bristol but have lived on the coast in Sussex for the last 12+ years.

Having deferred my place at university and ultimately never actually going, I ended up in Brighton studying a Music Business Diploma on a bit of a whim and the promise of a few free gig tickets!

Fast forward several years and I managed to get a ‘real job’ working in pensions regulation, where I also met my very funny husband, and we now have a lovely little flat by the sea!

When not in work you’ll find me out walking or running along the seafront, travelling (as much as I can) or watching Worthing FC where me and my husband are season ticket holders (Up The Mighty Rebels)!

  1. What attracted you to UKRN?

It was the idea of a new challenge – after working in pensions regulation for just over 9 years, I was really keen to broaden my understanding of regulation across the different sectors that UKRN operates in. Taking on a secondment initially allowed me to explore those different industries within regulation and understand how my own skills and experience could map across.

  1. What achievement has given you the most pride in your career? And also in your time at UKRN?

So from before my time at UKRN it has to be winning a particularly tricky case at the Upper Tribunal during my first year as a case manager – it was deemed a not very winnable case so to have actually won it and set a precedent for cases that followed felt like a real achievement!

From a UKRN perspective – it has to be the 3 parliamentary events we’ve hosted during my time at UKRN; at Holyrood in Edinburgh, Stormont in Belfast and the House of Commons in London.

All three were such fantastic experiences and I was extremely proud to have had a hand in making them happen!

  1. What 3 words best encapsulate regulation for you?

Protection, fairness and competition

  1. What 3 words best describe you away from the day job?

Adventurous, fun and understanding

  1. What is your favourite film and why that choice?

24 Hour Party People – The music, the chaos, Steve Coogan…need I say more?

  1. What 3 countries/places have you enjoyed visiting the most and why?

Bali, Indonesia – The culture, the people and the food are all incredible.

Anywhere in Italy, but particularly Lake Como – This was part of our honeymoon trip back in 2022 and I just fell in love with the lake and the scenery. Stunning!!

Bequia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Honestly, I think this place might be paradise. White sandy beaches, coral reefs and some of the best rum punch I have sampled, what’s not to love!

  1. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t compare yourself to others, you are uniquely you. You can do things at your own pace and in your own way – and that’s pretty great!

  1. When your career is nearing completion or you get to retire 😊 – what 3 words would you like your career to be remembered by?

If I am so lucky as to be able to retire, I would like people to remember my career by these three words – enthusiastic, supportive and accomplished

We really hope you enjoyed getting to know Charley more. Look out for our next featured team member shortly!