Join the Next Gen NEDs Community

Your Personal Data

Your personal information will be kept confidential by the team administering the Next Gen NEDs initiative and held confidentially by UKRN & Ofcom. It will not be disclosed to any external third parties, unless we are required to do so by law or where we have obtained your consent in advance.

Your personal information is held in connection with your application to be a participant in/and monitoring of the Next Gen NEDs initiative and to send you relevant information. It will be retained for the duration of your connection with the Next Gen NEDs initiative and anonymised after that point. Anonymised statistical personal information may be:
• used in internal Next Gen NEDs reports
• used in external Next Gen NEDs reports

If you have concerns regarding the use of your personal data, please contact

By submitting this application form you confirm that you are happy for the Next Gen NEDs initiative co-ordinated by UKRN to store (by UKRN & Ofcom) and to share with the Next Gen NEDs initiative, the information provided for the purposes of enabling your role as a participant in the initiative.