Get to know the UKRN Team – Attricia Archer

UKRN's director Attricia Archer is featured. The photo is a headshot featuring her from shoulders upwards. She is featured as a white woman who has dark hair tied back, a black top and black blazer on.

Have you ever wondered who the UKRN team are? Well, it’s probably about time we introduced ourselves! Over the coming months, we will continue to share a little insight into each of the UKRN team members (don’t worry, there is only 8 of us!). We’ve asked each of the team to answer a few questions about themselves, UKRN and regulation of course!

Previously, we’ve had Kev Smith but next up is our Director – Attricia Archer!

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

Hi, I am Attricia Archer, UKRN Director. I have worked in regulation for just over 29 years with the bulk of those years spent in financial regulation. I started my career on a grad scheme at TSB Bank and then joined the PIA which later became the FSA and then the FCA. Away from work I am married with two children, George who has just graduated from University-proud Mum moment and Katie who is 14 going in to year 10 in September. Katie is a mad netballer, so I spend a lot of my weekend watching her play  as well as well as for my sins watching West Ham play, I will leave you to judge who is the more successful. I also have two miniature shih Tzus, one of them being very naughty! Away from work and Mum duties I have recently taken up Pilates which I love.

  1. What attracted you to UKRN?

This is a simple answer, the variety of the work, the fact it is hugely important and the opportunity to work cross sector. I joined on secondment from the FCA as Director of Vulnerability, moving over to become the UKRN Director when Emily Keeney left just during the pandemic.

  1. What achievement has given you the most pride in your career? And also in your time at UKRN?

In my early career at the FSA I worked in insurance supervision and was responsible for looking after the members’ rights at Equitable Life after the House of Lords ruling. This was incredibly difficult. I would receive more than 20 letters each day from affected members and countless MPs letters which it was difficult to not be impacted by, but as a team we worked tirelessly to ensure members received the best deal possible in the circumstances.

At UKRN it would be the cost of living work that was started during the pandemic and now continues. This work helped consumers impacted by the cost of living crisis navigate the cross sector landscape.

  1. What 3 words best encapsulate regulation for you?

Trust, consistency and accountability.

  1. What 3 words best describe you away from the day job?

Fun, dependable and organiser

  1. What is your favourite film and why that choice?

It has be Elf, makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it.

  1. What 3 countries/places have you enjoyed visiting the most and why?

I went backpacking after university and sent several months in Thailand, the people food and scenery are special and remains one of my all time favourites. Moscow was always a place I wanted to visit and I was not disappointed at all. Finally taking the children to Disney-special memories.

  1. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Understand that not everything will go right, and it is how you respond that is important, stay true to your core values as that will be important over time and taking risks is sometimes needed to move forward.

  1. When your career is nearing completion or you get to retire 😊 – what 3 words would you like your career to be remembered by?

Proactive, kind and capable.

We really hope you enjoyed getting to know Attricia more. Look out for our next featured team member shortly!