Get to know the UKRN Team – Barbara Perata-Smith

Have you ever wondered who the UKRN team are? Well, it’s probably about time we introduced ourselves! Over the coming months, we will continue to share a little insight into each of the UKRN team members (don’t worry, there is only 8 of us!). We’ve asked each of the team to answer a few questions about themselves, UKRN and regulation of course!
Previously, we’ve had Kev Smith, Attricia Archer, Charley Grady-Pearce and Carey-Ann Jacques but next up is – Barbara Perata-Smith!
- Tell me a bit about yourself
I am originally from a small town on the Ligurian riviera, in Italy, but I attended university in the UK, where I have lived since I was 19. My educational and professional background is in the arts (I have a Master in Design from the Royal College of Art) and I worked in the sector for several years before joining the Civil Aviation Authority and becoming an ‘accidental regulator’. I have two teenagers at home, Francesca who’s 18 and Harry, who’s 17, and a three-legged black Labrador called Boomer (all together now: awww!). I enjoy yoga and running.
- What attracted you to UKRN?
While at the CAA, I was responsible for leading the design and development of the organisation’s first environmental sustainability strategy in a while. I joined the UKRN as the Net Zero Lead, because I wanted to gain more exposure to the work other regulators do across the sectors, beyond aviation and rail which are the areas I have had experience in so far, and expand my knowledge of environmental regulation.
P.S. I will let you in on a secret: this is my second secondment with the UKRN, having joined them for the first time in 2016.

- What achievement has given you the most pride in your career? And also in your time at UKRN?
While at the CAA, I was part of the team that coordinated the emergency response that was triggered by the collapse of Thomas Cook, in 2019, and I worked with colleagues to ensure that passengers that were left stranded abroad could return home safely.
And as for the UKRN, during my first secondment I led the work that developed the UKRN strategy, which brought a more cohesive approach to policy-making and engagement.
- What 3 words best encapsulate regulation for you?
Enabling, accountable and innovative (regulators don’t get enough credit for driving innovation, both in their organisations and in the sectors!)
- What 3 words best describe you away from the day job?
Musical, nature-loving and foodie
- What is your favourite film and why that choice?
I actually have a top five list for most things (a hangover from having read High Fidelity #iykyk), so it was difficult to pick just one. I have broken the rules and selected two: Shine, which tells the story of the pianist David Helfgott, because it is moving and uplifting, but also 101 Dalmatians, as I grew up with Disney movies and I love dogs.
- What 3 countries/places have you enjoyed visiting the most and why?
- I honeymooned in the Maldives and was blown away by the white beaches and the crystal-clear waters, swarming with colourful fish. It is one of the few places in the world where light pollution is still relatively low, and I remember gawping at the brightest Milky Way I had ever seen.
- As a young teenager, I used to ski semi-competitively, so I still love mountains, in particular the Dolomites, where I spent many happy holidays hurtling down ski slopes.
- And finally, I love London! It is one of the first places I visited as a child, and I still find inspiration and awe in the beauty of its architecture and the diversity of its communities.
- What advice would you give to your younger self?
I consider myself quite courageous, and having emigrated to a foreign country at 19, I tend to embrace and adapt well to change. But I am on the quiet side so I would tell my younger self not to worry about not being the life and soul of the party. There is a place in the world for those who are of a more contemplative nature.
- When your career is nearing completion or you get to retire – what 3 words would you like your career to be remembered by?
Purposeful, creative, climate-focused
We really hope you enjoyed getting to know Barbara more. Look out for our next featured team member shortly!