Get to know the UKRN Team – Makedah Simpson

Have you ever wondered who the UKRN team are? Well, it’s probably about time we introduced ourselves! Over the past few months, we have shared insight into each of our eight UKRN team members.

Each of the team has answered questions about themselves, UKRN and regulation of course!

In previous articles, we’ve had Kev Smith, Attricia Archer, Charley Grady-Pearce and Carey-Ann Jacques and Barbara Perata-Smith but.. for this article, we are featuring our Vulnerability and Data Strategy Lead, Makedah Simpson!

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

Currently, I’m a secondee from the Civil Aviation Authority who is the lead for the Vulnerability, EDI and Data Strategy networks and acts as the primary support for our Young Professionals Network.

Personally, I’m in the last year of my twenties. A proud British-Caribbean woman with heritage from Jamaica, St Lucia and Antiguan but has lived in South London for most of my life (now taking up residence near Crystal Palace Football Stadium). An avid traveller, keen cinema and theatre go-er, mover who loves a hike, dance or a fitness class and a self-proclaimed Dr Dolittle.  


  1. What attracted you to UKRN?

My love for gaining knowledge, working to support the most under-supported in our society and to create connections. UKRN provides a unique opportunity to understand numerous priorities and challenges of diverse regulators whilst being able to learn from industry and the third sector. As someone with a background in working with different sectors and in consumer protection (specifically vulnerability), I couldn’t let the chance pass me by.

  1. What achievement has given you the most pride in your career? And also in your time at UKRN?

My proudest achievement is being able to mentor young people at the University of Birmingham. Mentorship has afforded me so many wonderful opportunities to learn about myself and my mentor/s whilst honing my career so being able to give this to someone else? Priceless.

Within UKRN, I’m most proud of the parts of the role that our regulatory members do not see because those are the parts that keep UKRN running whether it is publishing on social media, collating statistics for our internal purposes, designing graphics, having meetings with stakeholders to be able to feed back – the list goes on. UKRN is such a small but mighty team that never stops working to represent regulation.

  1. What 3 words best encapsulate regulation for you?

Care, balance and innovation

  1. What 3 words best describe you away from the day job?

I asked my partner to answer this for me to which he said “Steadfast, Compassionate and Determined”. (Editor’s note: He can stay!)

  1. What is your favourite tv show and why that choice?

I have a deep love for Marvel. A recent favourite was Loki (found on Disney+) which was absolutely amazing. From the plot twists to the use of music, it kept myself and my partner engaged throughout!

  1. What 3 countries/places have you enjoyed visiting the most and why?
  1. Jamaica – My citizenship would be rescinded if I didn’t place it first but there is nothing like home. From the people to the beaches to the food, there is truly no place like it.
  2. Cape Town, South Africa – My step mother lives in Cape Town so I’ve been going there irregularly since I was eighteen therefore I can confidently navigate it by myself. There is always something new to do or see and always a chance to improve my Afrikaans.
  3. Dublin, Ireland – Dublin was one of my first ever solo trip when I was travelling to a new country every month between 2017/18; therefore I place it in my top three for the nostalgia. The whole trip felt like a warm hug and I continue to quote my experiences till this day.
  1. What advice would you give to your younger self?
  1. Keep moving forward. You will experience some lows but the highs always make it better.
  2. Don’t be afraid to pivot. Change can be scary but the unknown can feel worse.
  3. Stay true to your core values.
  4. ….and much to the loving annoyance of your father, keep putting off your driving test and invest in travel instead (Note: I passed this year after serving enough time as a rightful passenger princess!).
  1. When your time with UKRN is nearing completion– what would you like to be remembered by?

I’d like to be remembered as someone who made people stop and think – whether our regulatory members considered perspectives that they do not come across in their roles, our internal team ponders new ways of working or approaches or even if I was perceived as doing a good job (which is the minimum I aim for!).

We really hope you enjoyed getting to know Makedah more. Look out for our next featured team member shortly!