Deputy Director Infrastructure Group


The energy regulator for Great Britain,

Requirements of the role

The Infrastructure Group

Is central to the creation and delivery of a reliable, intelligent, clean energy system that will meet the UK’s demand and supply needs. Our programmes of work and responsibilities are centred around 5 strategic goals aligned to consumer interest. These are (i) creating strong institutions and governance, (ii) building infrastructure fit for a low cost future, (iii) achieving system efficiency and fairness in cost allocations, (iv) maintaining a high quality of service from regulated firms, and (v) ensuring secure and resilient supplies.

We are recruiting for six exceptional Deputy Directors in the following Directorates:

Major Projects Directorate

Deputy Director Low Carbon Regulated Asset Base (RAB)

Through effective collaboration, develop and deliver the regulatory frameworks to attract the investment needed for a net zero power system through low carbon generation (including new nuclear, hydrogen transport and carbon capture and storage – CCUS).

Responsibility to lead the delivery of Ofgem’s objectives across each of these three low carbon generation programmes, influencing and collaborating with government and industry to put in place all key enablers beyond regulation to ensure effective set up and implementation.

Oversee internal governance on the regulatory arrangements to support appropriate apportionment of risks between consumers and other parties, hold delivery agencies to account, and ensure investment occurs at efficient cost.

Network Price Controls Directorate

Price Control Setting

The two Deputy Director post-holders will have responsibilities to lead Ofgem’s work in carrying out periodic price reviews for all onshore energy networks including gas and electricity. The next price reviews for the gas and electricity transmission and gas distribution sectors are due by April 1, 2026, and by April 1, 2028, for the electricity distribution sector. The objective is to facilitate the investment required to meet net zero targets, while ensuring that network companies deliver a high quality of service; maintain a reliable and resilient network; and deliver good value for money for consumers. The individual roles are:

Deputy Director Network Price Controls – Electricity Sector Price Reviews

Lead Ofgem’s price review processes (known as RIIO-3) for the electricity transmission and distribution sectors.

Connect and engage with a wide range of stakeholders working collaboratively to understand their priorities and ensure that these are reflected in the spending plans, standards and obligations set on electricity network companies.

Defend Ofgem decisions against any legal challenges; as well as provide evidence in this area in relation to Parliamentary scrutiny.

Responsibility to lead the development and delivery of regulatory arrangements needed to implement the outputs from whole system plans that anticipate the network capacity needed to meet legislated targets and carbon budgets, both for transmission level, where the energy is produced, down to the distribution level, where it is used.

Deputy Director Network Price Controls – Gas Sector Price Reviews

Lead Ofgem’s price review processes (known as RIIO-3) for the gas transmission and distribution sectors.

Connect and engage with a wide range of stakeholders working collaboratively to understand their priorities and ensure that these are reflected in the spending plans, standards and obligations set on gas network companies.

Defend Ofgem decisions against any legal challenges; as well as provide evidence in this area in relation to Parliamentary scrutiny.

Work collaboratively with Government and key industry stakeholders to ensure Ofgem’s network regulation for gas is consistent with and adaptable to any changing policy requirements around the future of heat and usage of natural gas.

Ensure effective long-term whole system planning, working with appropriate institutions and governance arrangements to better support and coordinate investment requirements.

Energy Systems Management and Security Directorate

Deputy Directors in ESMS will collaboratively work with Government to shape and set the direction of the future energy market and charges, ensure the current power and gas markets work effectively and continue to deliver for consumers and support energy security as we move towards net zero, and work to transform and regulate the national energy system operators.

Deputy Director Wholesale Market Reform and Network Charging (Maternity cover, will then be flexibly deployed to a suitable alternative role)

Responsibility to lead Ofgem’s contribution to the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA), a complex and high-profile government-led reform programme where Ofgem is playing a major role in policy development.

Work collaboratively to deliver Ofgem’s network charging reform agenda which includes:

  • A review of how fixed network costs are recovered from consumers .
  • Design of long-term network charge reforms to align with the outcome of REMA and ensure complementarity with the developing strategic planning framework.
  • Timely and robust decisions on important code modifications that are proposed by industry across transmission, distribution and balancing charges.

Defend Ofgem decisions against any legal challenges; as well as provide evidence in this area in relation to Parliamentary scrutiny.

Deputy Director Markets and Security

This role leads Ofgem’s work to regulate both the power and gas markets of Great Britain, and takes overall responsibility for gas across charging, markets and gas systems operation. Within this the post holder will –

Lead Ofgem’s regulation of today’s power markets within Great Britain and our cross-border markets, setting clear decisions and direction based in robust risk identification and management.

Lead Ofgem’s regulation of the today’s gas markets, gas charging and gas system operation, as we start the transition to reduce and change gas usage within the GB energy system.

Support Director as SRO for energy security for Ofgem, by working collaboratively leading short- and long-term risk management, robust contingency planning and leading Ofgem’s response to energy security events.

Deputy Director Net Zero Institutions

The system Operator plays a key role in planning the energy system transition to meet net zero targets whilst delivering a secure and cost effective system. It is therefore both a key relationship and key regulatory responsibility for Ofgem, and this role will:

Lead Ofgem’s regulation of the Electricity System Operator and then (subject to final Government policy) a publicly owned National Energy System Operator:

  • Work in partnership with Government to deliver NESO, and lead Ofgem’s relationship and regulation for this non-profit NESO in future.
  • Design and deliver regulation of ESO, including future price controls, to drive energy system transformation in the consumer interest.

Connect and engage with ESO, the full range of industry and consumer stakeholders and with Government to continue to develop a clear, coherent strategy for whole system energy operation.

Deliver timely and robust regulatory decisions on system operation markets.

View on member website



Cardiff, Glasgow, London

 Contract type

Full time, Permanent


Deputy Director, Infrastructure

 Working pattern

Flexible working, Hybrid

 Closing Date
