Published: 3rd May 2023

The UKRN proudly hosted our first in-person HR “networking” event on Tuesday 25 April, at FCA Mezzanine, Stratford.
This engaging and interactive day for HR specialists, hosted by Jasbir Bilen, Ofwat People Director and HR Directors’ network Chair, enabled delegates to meet face to face, share skills/tips for growing their networks and making the “good stuff” better.
Guest speakers were warmly received and complemented the networking theme, providing subject matter expertise, including:
- Juan Novoa & Peter Fairchild, QCG : Employee value proposition/managing market pressures
- David D’Souza, CIPD : HR horizon scanning
- Dr Chris Shambrook, PlanetK2 : What makes high performing teams?
We would very much like to thank Jas, our guest speakers, FCA for hosting the event and of course our UKRN members, for their enthusiasm and support, which we are hoping to make an annual event.