Published: 12th December 2023

It is with real pleasure that we can announce the UKRN jobs board is now active on our website.

The jobs board aims to promote the exciting and diverse range of career opportunities currently available across our regulatory members. UKRN is delighted to provide this additional recruitment channel, drawing in new talent across a wide range of professions.

Complementing the jobs board, we are also developing careers and early years content, that will further promote the importance and benefits of working within regulation, encouraging candidates to apply at every stage of their career.

We look forward to sharing further details with you in 2024.

To further enhance opportunities to gain cross-sector experience, UKRN is also working towards developing;

  1. A graduate and apprenticeship rotation program across our members, seeking to broaden the early careers experience
  2. Expanding the secondment offering to include government departments, industry, academia and not-for-profit organisations

We hope you find the jobs board to be timely and helpful, as well as a possible gateway to a future career in regulation.

Please do check our jobs board and website for updates on career opportunities across our members.